The live action motion picture production of Pizza Man to be made by Brookspics Productions is slated to begin in the spring of 2012. Brookspics, which is owned by Mel Brooks, has been approved for production by Betsy Steinberg, Managing Director of the Illinois Film Office.
Pizza Man is a horror/thriller film and has been in active development and preparation since June of this year through the efforts of Producer, Rainer Soehnlein in cooperation with Great River Studios, LLC of Rock Island, Illinois. Great River will be the production management, service, equipment and facilities company associated with the local production of the film in the Illinois Quad Cities area.
An extensive location scout took place during the months of August and September of this year with the film's director Steve Haberman and Great River Production Executive, Doug Miller, along with numerous associates from Great River Studios.
Production budgets have been finalized and logistics have been coordinated for the production with the cooperation of numerous Quad Cities residents, various Great River production partners and the Cities of Rock Island and Moline with locations selected in both of these communities thus far. The projected budget of the film is $5 million dollars.
Steve Haberman, the writer-director of Pizza Man, is a longtime collaborator with Mel Brooks having written two movies with him: Life Stinks and Dracula - Dead and Loving It. He also wrote the feature Screw Loose and the documentary Shadows in the Dark: The Val Newton Legacy. His short film, Blind Curves, which he wrote, produced and directed, won 17 international film festivals, including the Eastman Kodak Film of the Year and Best Short Film of the Year from the Photographic Society of America.
An expert on horror films, he authored the book Silent Screams, the definitive history of horror in the silent era. He performed the commentary on 15 classic horror films including the original Universal Pictures' Dracula and The Mummy for which he won the Rando Award for Best Commentary of the Year. He recently produced, directed and edited the HBO special Mel Brooks and Dick Cavett - Together Again.
For more information about Pizza Man and or interviews with Mr. Haberman please contact Doug Miller, Great River Studios Production Executive at 563-349-1041.