By Linda Cook
Film critic, Quad City Times
3 1/2 stars
When we see the protagonist in a waiting room, we know the setting represents her life and not just a moment in time.
“The Wedding Plan” is a story of desperation and faith, with a wry humor and a lovable central character named Michal (Noa Koler).
An Orthodox Jew in her 30s, Michal is engaged, to a man she has known for years.
She is thrown into shock. The grim reality is that the women she knows are either married or getting married.
“I don’t want to be alone,” she says. “I want to be normal …. I want people to respect me because I have a spouse…. I’m sick of feeling humiliated.”
“I want to make Shabbat with a man.”
And so she proceeds with a gigantic leap of faith: She will buy a wedding dress, rent a hall, and invite 200 guests. Because, she reasons, if God wants her to marry, he will send her a husband by the time her wedding day arrives.
Read the rest of Linda Cook's film review at the Quad City Times HERE!
The Israeli Film Series is presented by the Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities, with movies at 4 p.m. at the Figge Art Museum Auditorium, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport.
Admission: Adults, $7; seniors (60-plus) and military, $6; students, free. All films have earned multiple awards and all have adult content.
• "The Wedding Plan" — Sunday, June 3. 110 minutes. Hebrew with English subtitles. Comedy/romance.
• "The Cakemaker" — Sunday, June 10. 104 minutes. German, Hebrew & English with English subtitles. Drama.
• "A Quiet Heart" — Sunday, June 24. 92 minutes. Hebrew/English with English subtitles. Drama.