RiverAction's 2023 QC Environmental Film Series begins in January and will run through March 5th, with screening events hosted at various venues in the Quad Cities region. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit https://riveraction.org/filmseries.
January 22 (Sunday), 2:00 p.m. "The Seeds of Vandana Shiva"
Hosted by QCEFS at the Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA
The Seeds of Vandana Shiva tells the remarkable life story of Gandhian eco-activist Dr. Vandana Shiva, how she stood up to the corporate Goliaths of industrial agriculture, rose to prominence in the food justice movement, and inspired an international crusade for change.
January 29 (Sunday), 2:00 p.m. "My Garden of a Thousand Bees"
Hosted by St. Ambrose Green Life at St. Ambrose University, 518 W Locust St, Davenport, IA
A wildlife filmmaker spends his time during the coronavirus pandemic lockdown filming the bees in his urban garden and discovers the many diverse species and personalities that exist in this insect family.
Reflection Speaker is Kraig McPeek, Field Office Supervisor for the Illinois-Iowa Ecological Services Field Office, U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service.
February 5 (Sunday), 2:00 p.m. "Youth Unstoppable"
Hosted by North High School Green Team at North High School Auditorium, 626 W 53rd St, Davenport, IA
YOUTH UNSTOPPABLE takes us inside the rise of the Global Youth Climate Movement. Slater Jewell-Kemker was 15 when she began documenting the untold stories of youth on the front lines of climate change refusing to let their futures slip away.
February 12 (Sunday), 2:00 p.m. "The Ground Between Us"
Hosted by Augustana College Student Sierra Club at Olin Hall Auditorium, Augustana College, 820 38th St, Rock Island, IL
Since 2017, public lands throughout America have faced unprecedented threats. Bears Ears National Monument was shrunk by 85 percent, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge was opened to oil exploration, and the Elliott State Forest in Oregon was nearly privatized. Throughout this, Americans from both sides of the political spectrum have stood up and made their voices heard in support of protecting these areas. The Ground Between Us presents these public lands debates alongside the day-to-day realities of three families who hold vastly different connections and perspectives on public lands.
February 26 (Sunday), 2:00 p.m. "Black Ice"
Hosted by Black Hawk College's Clean Sphere at the Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA
Told through the eyes of Malik Martin and Chris Dean, Black Ice follows a crew of aspiring ice climbers from the Memphis Rox gym travels to the frozen wilds of Montana, where mentors Manoah Ainuu, Conrad Anker and Fred Campbell share their love of winter adventure in the mountains.
March 5 (Sunday) 2:00 p.m. "Dead Sea Guardians"
Hosted by the Jewish Federation of the QC at the Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA
The Dead Sea - the lowest place on earth and one of the wonders of the world - is dying. Three historic enemies join forces on a heroic journey to stop this catastrophe and save the Dead Sea from disappearing.
When you want to see great documentaries, independent, foreign, classic and other noteworthy films in the Quad-Cities area, visit
QCFilmBlog.com for the latest screenings and special film events.