The Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities presents the Gordon Ney Jewish Film Series 2024. The film series features outstanding films at the Figge Art Museum Theater, 225 W. 2nd St, Davenport, IA.
Admission: Adults - $7; Seniors (60+) & Military - $6; Students - FREE. For info call (309) 793-1300. All have adult content.
*Sunday, September 22, 4:00pm: "The Glory of Life"
Because of the power of love, the last year of Franz Kafka's life becomes his happiest. He has never before been able to allow himself to experience intimacy, he suffers from tuberculosis and is dependent on his overbearing family. But the worldly wise Dora Diamant accepts him as he is. And he accepts her. The two meet in 1923 on the Baltic Sea coast, where he is convalescing and she is working in a Jewish Volksheim. Together they go to Berlin and, when Franz's health deteriorates rapidly, to a sanatorium in Austria. Barely a year after they meet, he dies. The memory of their time together will shape Dora for the rest of her life.
98 minutes - German with English Subtitles - Drama (2024)
*Sunday, September 29, 4:00pm: "All About the Levkoviches"
Tamas is a gruff but tender, and an aging boxing coach in present-day Budapest whose relationship with his son, Ivan, has frayed to the point of estrangement. After converting to Orthodox Judaism, Ivan moved to Israel, where he had a son, Ariel, whom Tamas has never met. Now, Ivan and Ariel have come back to Budapest for the funeral of Tamas’s wife, forcing father and son to face one another. Breier’s film is masterfully acted and directed, maintaining a perfectly balanced tone between comedy and pathos.