The Emmy-nominated and award-winning documentary short Good Earth: Awakening the Silent City, produced by Kelly Rundle and Tammy Rundle of Fourth Wall Films, is an Official Selection at the 2020 Denali Film Festival in Denali National Park, Alaska.
The Good Earth site was a thriving trading and cultural center in Iowa and South Dakota and was occupied between 1500 and 1725 by ancestors of the present-day Ioway, Omaha, Ponca, and Otoe people, making it one of the largest long-term habitation sites in the United States. It is considered a sacred site.
The film shows daily at the Good Earth State Park Visitor Center located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
The Denali Film Festival awards will be announced in July and the 2020 film selections will screen at the 2021 festival due to COVID-19.
Congratulations to the Ioway project participants: Tribal Elder Pete Fee (actor), Lance Foster (interviewee/consultant), Reuben Ironhorse-Kent (artist/actor/interviewee); to the project participants from the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma, the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska, the Otoe-Missouria Tribe, the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska; archaeologist Dale Henning; Jim Henning and the representatives of Good Earth State Park; and to the outstanding film crew members, cast, and everyone involved in this special project.
Two short scenes/shots from Good Earth: Awakening the Silent City appear in this new Denali Film Festival trailer. Our Native American friends (including two Ioway Tribe members) around a fire (:30) and "sunset at Good Earth" animation by Grasshorse Studios (1:04).
Kelly & Tammy Rundle of Fourth Wall Films are the producers of multiple award-winning historical documentaries including the Lost Nation: The Ioway series, and the Mid-America Emmy® nominated documentaries Good Earth: Awakening the Silent City, Country School: One Room – One Nation, River to River: Iowa's Forgotten Highway 6 and Letters Home to Hero Street (with WQPT-PBS).
To purchase Fourth Wall Films' award-winning Lost Nation: The Ioway DVD series, click HERE!