We need your help to bring Country School: One Room - One Nation to the screen.
email your country school photos and stories to [email protected].
Put us in touch with others who have an interest in country school history and preservation.
Tax-deductible contributions can be made through our fiscal sponsor KPTS-PBS. See funding levels below. Checks only.
You can make non-tax-deductible contributions directly to Fourth Wall Films by check or via credit card using the PayPal link below.
Make checks for tax-deductible contributions payable to KPTS-COUNTRY SCHOOL.
Make checks for non-tax-deductible contributions payable to FOURTH WALL FILMS.
Mail all checks, photos, and stories to:
Fourth Wall Films
P.O. Box 702
Moline, IL 61265Pay via PayPal with your credit card below. None of the credit card options are tax-deductible contributions.
Primary Benefactor - $500 or more
Website, onscreen, and printed program credit, Country School movie poster, DVD of finished film signed by the filmmakers, two premiere or special event tickets, and a keepsake Country School postcard in an archival sleeve signed by the filmmakers.Optional "In Memory of..." memorial message credit.
Special Patron - $250-499
Website and onscreen credit, Country School movie poster, a DVD of finished film signed by the filmmakers, and a keepsake Country School postcard in an archival sleeve signed by the filmmakers.Optional "In Memory of..." memorial message credit.
Contributor - $100-249
Onscreen and website credits, a Country School poster, and a keepsake Country School postcard in an archival sleeve signed by the filmmakers.Optional "In Memory of..." memorial message credit.
Donor - $50-99
Website credit, a Country School poster, and a keepsake Country School postcard in an archival sleeve signed by the filmmakers.
Supporter - $25-49
Website credit and a keepsake Country School postcard in an archival sleeve signed by the filmmakers. -